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Macbeth is a dark, dramatic tale of murder, horror, betrayal and plotting.  Gigglemug Interactive Theatre looks at the story itself, enacting the play that shows the rise and fall of the eponymous hero, Macbeth. 


Gigglemug also shows the context of how and why the play was written, from a paranoid real life King who feared for his life and crown, to the famous 16th and 17th Century witch trials, to the plotting of a Gunpowder terrorist group, to the seizing of a castle and the horrors that came with this! 


We learn that propaganda is nothing new while looking at the social, historical and political context to understand how, why and when Macbeth was created!  Not only will the students and audiences leave knowing fully the story of one of Shakespeare’s most famous (and best) plays, but because of Gigglemug Interactive Theatre they will also fully understand the importance of how and why Macbeth was written in the first place. 


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